
If you ask people what is the favorite season, mainly answers are Summer. That is the reason to choose those paintings: they represent our love for Summer wherever we are.

Mark Shasha (born 1961) is an American artist. He is also an author, illustrator and educator. His subjects are often familiar and are usually inspired by the textures and light found along the New England coast where he lives.

Sally Swatland’s images of young children playing on the beaches are tinged with a sense of nostalgia that reminds us of a bygone time, when a day at the beach offered respite from the busyness of daily life.  Her sensitive images evoke the reminiscences of a period when life was uncomplicated and happiness was found in the simplest of activities.

That painting of Jennifer Young relaxes us and transport to our favorite beach, the place where we can read and listen the waves.

 Colin Page convey the feelings of the summer using the bright colours. We can feel the hot weather.

Which other living painter has created such a potent image of high summer, of a day so hot the only escape is to plunge into a cool pool? Hockney's swimmer has vanished into the depths, leaving only scattered water in his wake. It is a stunning diagram of 60s California, of blazing noon and pristine pool, of liquid blossoming into frozen chaos.
